Are milk farms profitable?

One of the most profitable businesses in agriculture is setting up a dairy farm. To become profitable, this farm prerequisite for Romanian farmers requires investing in a breed of cows with high milk production.
Agriculture can be a profitable business, but to make money, farmers must abandon the reluctance to invest in breed association and a high production of milk. To start such a business the amount needed is around 40,000 euros and can recoup the investment in about 3 to 4 years. The money can purchase 20 cows, tractor, builds and provides shelter and land cultivation which, according to experts, should be about an acre per cow.
Two other essential conditions to meet success in this business is the access to a market, but also holding expertise performed by qualified personnel. Using high-performance technological equipment such as milking, also ensure production of quality milk.
Regarding the purchase of milking machines, it is not only a long-term investment of breeders but also a prerequisite since 2014 in Romania. European Union rules regarding milk quality do not allow dairy farms to sell milk whose collection was done manually.
For those who are starting out in this field and want some support, it is good to know that in this area you can access European funds as well. The maximum European funds that can be accessed is 100,000 euros and the rate of acceptance of projects receiving funding is 80%. Also industrialization and automation of cattle farms can do everything from irredeemable European funds. For beginners of this type of business is necessary to have some growth areas easily arranged, farm equipment and purchase of animals.
Regarding the marketing of products, market is high both internally and externally. You can choose to sell to individual consumers, restaurants, catering companies, markets or directly to firms that export dairy products.
In terms of milk production costs in Romania are lower compared to other countries. The request of milk and dairy products is very high, with an increase from year to year, even reaching Romania to export milk to other countries. Although some farmers complain of low profits due to poor information growers regarding hygiene standards, no permits are required for trading on a larger scale, poor facilities in dairy farms and poor quality of feed used.
Farmers who raise animals for milk, obtained one of the world’s most important food – milk. Quality milk and milk-derived products and their nutritional content are closely related to udder hygiene and the environment. Good hygiene practices improve the quality and value of the product and fundamentally determine the success or failure of a dairy farm. The use of modern technologies in dairy farms is to increase milk production and to ensure all necessary hygiene conditions for a high quality milk.
Dairy farms may prove to be quite profitable for business. With little documentation and average initial investment, such a firm can become the key to success to something beyond expectations. However, if such a business involves much of the savings, a poultry farm can also be quite a profitable idea. Moreover, can offer some conclusive answers.